Hey there, Bikini Babe!
I’m Dr. Riva Z. Robinson, but my tribe calls me “Dr. Riva the Fitness Diva.”
When it comes to navigating life as a functional medicine doctor, a self-trained national bikini champion, a best-selling author, and a cat mama — while keeping my health in check– I’m a Pro.
And it’s my passion to help bodybuilding powerhouses like you stay at the top of your game — body, mind, and spirit — while living your higher calling, too.
But, let me tell you, I wasn’t ear-to-ear smiles five years ago.
Driving to the hospital one sinfully early morning, I could barely see the road through the pools of tears in my eyes.
The distant headlights of an 18-wheeler were drawing closer, and a haunting thought crept into my mind: “If I just swerve in front of this truck, I could end all my misery now.”
You didn’t expect me to go that dark, did you?
Yeah, burnout is no joke.
And then, there was light.
Just as those headlights had penetrated the murky skies, my inner light emerged from the darkness to illuminate an alternate path for my life.
I left the woes of our broken healthcare system behind and crafted my unique brand of Holistic Medicine with my boutique practice R.I.V.A. Wellness.
That stands for Radiant, Inspired, Victorious, Abundant Wellness.
In 2017, I started competing… but I burnout again.
But, it had awakened a fire in my spirit like never before, and I was determined to make it work.
That same inner light from that dark morning flickered, reminding me that I could pave a new way.
And it dawned on me:
If I pushed myself to my limits without being firmly grounded in my purpose, I faced detrimental effects to every aspect of my health.

The key to thrive and shine is staying 100% aligned:
body, mind, and spirit.
When you operate as a harmonious unit – physically, mentally, and spiritually – success is a natural byproduct.
The fears, anxieties, and the Not-Enoughness don’t take root.
You feel a greater sense of interconnectedness and purpose that sends your spirit soaring.
And your body feels lighter and more energetic, and ultimately becomes more responsive to all of your efforts.
Committing to this holistic approach has empowered my greatest wins – an Overall Bikini Champion title and a fifth place win at my first National competition.
And I’m just getting started.